Sugar Revitalization – CS Munya

#SugarRevitalization “Lengo letu ni kuhakikisha mkulima wa miwa, anapata pesa! Sasa kama atakuwa akilima, anatumia nguvu zake, anatumia pesa zake, miwa ikija inaporwa na wengine! Directive ya President ni tusafishe kilimo. Tusafishe Miwa, wakulima wapate Faida! Kenya haitabadilika ikiwa kilimo haitabadilika.” ~ Waziri Munya.   For more Information Contact Us Hotline: 0800724891

Chief Administrative Secretary Lawrence Omuhaka officiates the launch of validation of the Livestock Identification and Traceability Strategy and Regulations at Hotel Panafric, Nairobi.

Chief Administrative Secretary Lawrence Omuhaka today officiated the launch of validation of the Livestock Identification and Traceability Strategy and Regulations at Hotel Panafric, Nairobi. Animal traceability and identification is aimed to provide a framework for management of disease occurrence, support enforcement of Livestock movement, facilitate control of trans-boundary animal diseases, improve the quality and safety…