Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya has presided over the launch of Migratory and Invasive Pests and Weeds Management Strategy (2022-2027) in Kenya at a Nairobi Hotel.

Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya has presided over the launch of Migratory and Invasive Pests and Weeds Management Strategy (2022-2027) in Kenya at a Nairobi Hotel. CS Munya noted that the Desert Locusts invasion experienced in Kenya over the last two years posed a severe food security threat to over 4 million people, affecting 32…

To mitigate the effects of Covid-19 in the agriculture sector, the government is working closely with her development partners to assist farmers cope with these challenges.

To mitigate the effects of Covid-19 in the agriculture sector, the government is working closely with her development partners to assist farmers cope with these challenges. Recently, Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya launched a GOK/IFAD Project in Nyandarua County, on the revialization of Irish Potato Production for post Covid 19 affected small scale farmers. Through…