CS Agriculture Hon Peter Munya, has officiated the groundbreaking ceremony for Hot Water Treatment Facility at the Nairobi Horticulture Centre.

CS Agriculture Hon Peter Munya, has officiated the groundbreaking ceremony for Hot Water Treatment Facility at the Nairobi Horticulture Centre. In his address, CS Munya said that the Facility will revitalize and expand the Horticulture export business by improving market access therefore cementing Kenya’s position as a leading exporter of fresh Horticulture produce. He added…

Today, the 4K Clubs in Kenya got a boost as the World Vegetable Centre donated vegetables seed kits to the counties of Murang’a, Kiambu, Machakos, Kisumu, Vihiga and Kakamega.

Today, the 4K Clubs in Kenya got a boost as the World Vegetable Centre donated vegetables seed kits to the counties of Murang’a, Kiambu, Machakos, Kisumu, Vihiga and Kakamega. Predising over the ceremony, CAS Agriculture Anne Nyaga noted that a total of 48 schools from these counties will each get seed kits comprising of indigenous…

President Uhuru Kenyatta has challenged the Kenya Tea Development Agency Holdings (KTDA) to initiate an elaborate plan that will ensure value addition to 90 percent of the tea grown in the country before it is exported.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has challenged the Kenya Tea Development Agency Holdings (KTDA) to initiate an elaborate plan that will ensure value addition to 90 percent of the tea grown in the country before it is exported.   The President emphasized that tea farmers will reap maximum benefit from their labour if there is increased value…