Ministry through various projects (KCSAP, kCEP-CRAL, SIVAP) has come up with climate smart initiatives so as to support food and nutrition security

To combat effects of climate change, the Ministry through various projects (KCSAP, kCEP-CRAL, SIVAP) has come up with climate smart initiatives so as to support food and nutrition security. Yesterday, CS Peter Munya flanked by CAS Anne Nyaga distributed kitchen garden starter-kits to 13,000 beneficiaries during a farmers’ field day, at Marimanti Sheep and Goat…

The Chief Administrative Secretary Mr. Lawrence Omuhaka, today morning opened the Stakeholders validation workshop for the Kenya Leather Development Policy

The Chief Administrative Secretary Mr. Lawrence Omuhaka, today morning opened the Stakeholders validation workshop for the Kenya Leather Development Policy at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), Nairobi. The CAS represented the Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya as Chief guest of honor. The development of Leather policy would provide a road map for the transformation of…