The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Cooperatives, State Department for Crop Development and Agricultural Research with the support of the Regional Integration Implementation Programme (RIIP), has set aside funds in its budget toward the cost of undertaking consulting services for a Regulatory Impact Assessment. The State Department for Crop Development and Agricultural Research invites Qualified…

CAS Anne officially opened the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project scientific Conference at Naivasha.

CAS Anne yesterday officially opened the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project scientific Conference at Naivasha. Climate change has adversely affected the farmer productivity through low production per acre,loss of animals ,migration of fish due to high water temperatures among others. This is due to unpredictable,low rainfall as well as acidity of water bodies . This…

Validation of Kenya Leather Development Policy

The Government has identified the leather sector as one of the flagship projects for realizing its manufacturing sector targets under Kenya Vision 2030, Medium Term Plan (MTP) III and the ‘Big Four’ Agenda. The sector has been prioritized due to its huge potential supported by one of the highest livestock populations in Africa capable of…

The Ministry of Agriculture has dispatched a team of inspectors across all tea buying centres, to undertake audits of weighing machines.

The Ministry of Agriculture has dispatched a team of inspectors across all tea buying centres, to undertake audits of weighing machines, aiming to address tea theft from farmers, CS Munya has said. Addressing farmers at Kebirigo, Gianchore and Sanganyi Tea Factories during his two day sensitization meetings on Tea Reforms in Nyamira County, he said…

KCSAP CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE – The conference shall present a platform to share cutting edge scientific research, technologies, innovations, and management practices (TIMPs)

KCSAP CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE The conference shall present a platform to share cutting edge scientific research, technologies, innovations, and management practices (TIMPs) that enhance climate smart agriculture (CSA) in Kenya. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, a “Hybrid” Conference will take place. All physical meetings will be in accordance with the Ministry of Health guidelines. The…