The Government continues to promote industrial parks, in order to stimulate the local economy and trigger job creation

The Government continues to promote industrial parks, in order to stimulate the local economy and trigger job creation and Micro, Small and Medium Entreprise (MSME) growth. Today Hon Peter Munya, CS Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives inspected the KSh 2.2 billion Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) , 2 warehouses for tanneries worth 695 million and…

39 Lorries Sneaking Maize into the country from Uganda held in Busia and Adungosi Police Stations as Kenyans assured of adequate Maize in the local markets.

39 Lorries Sneaking Maize into the country from Uganda held in Busia and Adungosi Police Stations as Kenyans assured of adequate Maize in the local markets. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Kilimo House, Nairobi – April 13, 2021 The recent stoppage of unsafe maize was necessitated by continuous surveillance on the safety of food imports to Kenya,…

CAS Anne Nyaga unveiled the following miraa market sheds in Mbeere North, Mbeere South and Runyenjes regions:

Following the classification of Miraa as a scheduled crop in 2016,a taskforce was formed that found that the crop experiences diverse challenges including but not limited to : ●Existence of cartels perpetuating unfair trade practices. ●Unfavorable relations among law enforcement officials in the counties. ●Price fluctuation and wastage in the rainy season. ●Lack of designated…