The national and county governments have heightened surveillance following a possible second wave of the locust invasion in the country

The national and county governments have heightened surveillance following a possible second wave of the locust invasion in the country. Already a number of counties are experiencing the invasion that threatens the country’s food security coming soon after the debilitating effects of Covid-19 pandemic. Speaking at Garissa Agricultural Training Centre (ATC), state department of agriculture…

CS Hon Peter Munya has concluded his three day public participation meetings on Coffee Bill 2020

Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya has concluded his three day public participation meetings on Coffee Bill 2020 at Nyamathumbi Primary School, Gatundu North Constituency in Kiambu County, joined by the area MP Hon. Wanjiku Kibe and Secretary Administration Mr. Kello Harsama. Farmers from three sub counties: Gatundu North Githunguri and Gatundu North, have embraced the…