The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development acknowledges the vital role counties play in realizing the government’s vision for food and nutrition security. The commitment to collaborative efforts with counties remains unwavering, working hand in hand for the benefit of our citizens. Today, CS Mithika Linturi had a consultative meeting at Kilimo House, bringing together…

Kenya’s Animal Feed Mini (Country) Investment Under ‘Hand-in-Hand Initiative’ Flagship Programme.

Today at KSG, Hon. Jonathan Mueke, the Principal Secretary for Livestock Development, officiated a breakfast meeting on animal feeds mini-investment forum for Kenya, in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO Kenya). This meeting under the HAND IN HAND initiative proposes a deliberate formulation and implementation of animal feeds plan for Kenya for the next…

Sleeping Sickness: Kenya hosts AU’s Inter African Bureau Global Conference on Tsetse flies.

The government of Kenya through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development is hosting the 36th International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) general conference at Hotel Pride Inn in Mombasa County. Officially opening the 5-day conference on Tuesday 19/9/2023, the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said that the conference is an opportunity to…

Jonathan Mueke Closes Synergy Meeting for KelCop and County Government

PS Jonathan Mueke, this afternoon closed a three day synergy workshop at Kisumu Hotel, between the National Government for Kenya commercialization (KelCop) project and the County Government. This workshop was an opportunity to understand the modalities used for the implementation of the project, identifying the challenges and opportunities in implementation and discuss potential collaboration projects.…