This morning, CAS Anne Nyaga officiated the opening of the Annual delegates meeting for Kenya Police Sacco

This morning, CAS Anne Nyaga officiated the opening of the Annual delegates meeting for Kenya Police Sacco. She reaffirmed to the delegates of the Government’s focus on the implementation of its key strategic priorities through the ministry. CAS Nyaga informed the members that to improve policy and legal framework for the co-operatives, a task force…

This afternoon, Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Hon Peter Munya, virtually launched the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA), 2019 report.

This afternoon, Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Hon Peter Munya, virtually launched the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA), 2019 report. The EBA report provides governments with key data on their countries’ agribusiness environment and defines good practices to inform policy making and trigger reforms. The report covers 101 countries, including Kenya. In his speech, Cs Peter…

PS Livestock Harry Kimtai addressing CECs and CDVSs meeting to discuss National Livestock and Disease Control at Hotel Lake Naivasha Country Club at Naivasha today.

PS Livestock Harry Kimtai addressing CECs and CDVSs meeting to discuss National Livestock and Disease Control at Hotel Lake Naivasha Country Club at Naivasha today. The meeting was officially launched by the incoming CAS for Livestock and Fisheries. Livestock production in Kenya has always been under the threat of occurrence of number of animal diseases,…

CAS Anne Nyaga unveiled the following miraa market sheds in Mbeere North, Mbeere South and Runyenjes regions:

Following the classification of Miraa as a scheduled crop in 2016,a taskforce was formed that found that the crop experiences diverse challenges including but not limited to : ●Existence of cartels perpetuating unfair trade practices. ●Unfavorable relations among law enforcement officials in the counties. ●Price fluctuation and wastage in the rainy season. ●Lack of designated…