This morning, CAS Anne Nyaga officiated the opening of the Annual delegates meeting for Kenya Police Sacco.
She reaffirmed to the delegates of the Government’s focus on the implementation of its key strategic priorities through the ministry.
CAS Nyaga informed the members that to improve policy and legal framework for the co-operatives, a task force had been appointed to operationalize the National Co-operative Policy and review the Co-operative Societies Act, Sacco Societies Act, Co-operative Societies Rules as well as Sacco Societies Regulations.
The government is in the process of establishing the Central Liquidity Facility and Sacco shared Services. This will enable inter borrowing among Saccos and sharing of technology.
In addition, the government is operationalizing Deposit Guarantee Fund(DGF) and Deposit Insurance Fund(DIF). The DGF is meant to compensate members deposits in the event of collapsing of the regulated Sacco.
She applauded the Kenya police Sacco for contributions towards the Big Four Agenda in affordable housing in Kenya.
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