H.E  High Commissioner of India to Kenya, H.E. Virander Paul Birender has paid CS Peter Munya a courtesy call at Kilimo House

Agricultural mechanization is a major production input that encompasses use of machinery, tools and equipment to enhance agriculture productivity and value addition. This afternoon, H.E  High Commissioner of India to Kenya, H.E. Virander Paul Birender has paid CS Peter Munya a courtesy call at Kilimo House. They discussed Agricullture Mechanization focusing on Exim Bank Financed…

the PS for SDFA&BE Dr Francis Owino, has hosted the Chief Administrative Secretary Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice

This evening, the PS for SDFA&BE Dr Francis Owino, has hosted the Chief Administrative Secretary Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice – Prof. Micheni Japhet Ntiba, to a dinner at Fairview Hotel, for the Consultative session for the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference 2018 ‘Science and Research Symposium’ publication. The publication; Science, Research…

Due to climate change, rain-fed agriculture is no longer sustainable thus contributing to severe crop and livestock losses, leading to famine.

Due to climate change, rain-fed agriculture is no longer sustainable thus contributing to severe crop and livestock losses, leading to famine. The government, through various projects (Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Project,  Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project and Kenya Small-Scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project), has been working on water harvesting initiatives to boost food…

Ministry through various projects (KCSAP, kCEP-CRAL, SIVAP) has come up with climate smart initiatives so as to support food and nutrition security

To combat effects of climate change, the Ministry through various projects (KCSAP, kCEP-CRAL, SIVAP) has come up with climate smart initiatives so as to support food and nutrition security. Yesterday, CS Peter Munya flanked by CAS Anne Nyaga distributed kitchen garden starter-kits to 13,000 beneficiaries during a farmers’ field day, at Marimanti Sheep and Goat…