A Delegation from the Republic of Somaliland led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Kayd Essa, pays a courtesy call to the Agriculture CS Kenya Hon Peter Munya.

This Morning, a Delegation from the Republic of Somaliland led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Kayd Essa, paid a courtesy call to the Agriculture CS Kenya Hon Peter Munya. They deliberated on various issues of collaboration which include: Opening up trade lines for Miraa , Livestock and Dairy products between Kenya and the Republic…

Norway and Kenya have signed an MoU between Innovation Norway and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives.

Norway and Kenya have signed an MoU between Innovation Norway and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives whose core agenda is to help Saccos be able to comply with the Sacco Societies (Non-deposit taking) Regulations of 2020. Innovation Norway is a Norwegian government national development bank established to among others promote trade with and…

Kenya set to host the Joint 24th International Grassland and 11th International Rangeland Congress from October 25th to 29th October 2021.

Kenya will host the Joint 24th International Grassland and 11th International Rangeland Congress from October 25th to 29th October 2021. The theme of the Congress is “Sustainable Use of Grassland and Rangeland Resources for Improved Livelihoods.” Speaking during a media breakfast meeting at KALRO Kabete, PS Livestock Mr Harry Kimtai said that the first-ever Congress…