State Department for Livestock Principal Secretary Harry Kimtai yesterday lauded the outgoing staff for their exceplary services

State Department for Livestock Principal Secretary Harry Kimtai yesterday lauded the outgoing staff for their exceplary services, saying that they have immensely contributed to the development of the Agricultural Ministry. While bidding them farewell in a colourful ceremony held at a Nairobi Hotel, the PS said the State Department for Livestock will for ever remain…

His Excellency H.E Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia has arrived in the country for a two day State Visit.

His Excellency H.E Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia has arrived in the country for a two day State Visit. The President was received at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport by Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Hon. Peter Munya who is his Escort of Honour. During His visit H.E Sheikh Mohamud will have bilateral…

Today Mr. Lawrence Omuhaka, the Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock & Cooperative, officially commissioned KEMFSED project motor vehicles and motorcycles at a colorful flagging-off ceremony held at Fisheries complex, Liwatoni. Mombasa.

Today Mr. Lawrence Omuhaka, the Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock & Cooperative, officially commissioned KEMFSED project motor vehicles and motorcycles at a colorful flagging-off ceremony held at Fisheries complex, Liwatoni. Mombasa. CAS who was was accompanied by Dr. Francis Owino, PS for SDFA&BE and Mr. Solomon Kitungu, PS for Works also toured…