PS Harry Kimtai has said that an efficient laboratory service is an integral part of epidemio-surveillance system required for prevention

PS Harry Kimtai has said that an efficient laboratory service is an integral part of epidemio-surveillance system required for prevention, detection and response to disease outbreaks. Kimtai said this today when he officially launched the National Veterinary Laboratories manual and the National Veterinary laboratories strategic plan at Sarova Stanley Hotel,Nairobi. He said efficient Veterinary laboratory…

The Australian High Commissioner to Kenya, Luke Williams, today paid a courtesy call to Principal Secretary of State Department for Livestock Harry Kimtai

The Australian High Commissioner to Kenya, Luke Williams, today paid a courtesy call to Principal Secretary of State Department for Livestock Harry Kimtai at his Kilimo House. Among the issues they discussed were :                                                                               The need…

PS Harry Kimtai Launches MTP IV, Baringo

The fourth draft medium term plan MTP is expected to be ready by end of July 2022 shortly before the next general elections. PS Harry Kimtai said this during his official launch of county consultation forum in Kabarnet, Baringo county on 1st April 2022 ,for the Fourth Medium term P lan 2023- 2027 of Kenya…