The fourth draft medium term plan MTP is expected to be ready by end of July 2022 shortly before the next general elections. PS Harry Kimtai said this during his official launch of county consultation forum in Kabarnet, Baringo county on 1st April 2022 ,for the Fourth Medium term P lan 2023- 2027 of Kenya vision 2030.
The consultation forums were running on concurrently in all the counties were organized to provide opportunity for stakeholders and the publioc to discuss and propose county development priorities. “It is quite an involving process that requires participation of all of us at the natinal and county government“ PS added.
He said that the fourth MTP intended to implement the second last phase of Kenya Vision 2030 and will set momentum for transiting into the next long term development blue print. It will build on gains made in key sectors of the economy including completing projects intiated during the previous development plan (MTPI MTPII MTPIII). Like its predecessors, the fourth MTP will be guided by Kenya Vision 2030 and the constitutin of Kenya.
Once validated, the MTP will be published and officially launched and disseminated in all counties. Formulation of the Fourth Medium Term Plan 2023- 2027 is intiated by the National Treasury and Planning, through the State Department for Planning.