CS Mithika Linturi, today attended the 5th Special Intergovernmental Forum on Agriculture at Windsor hotel

CS Mithika Linturi, today attended the 5th Special Intergovernmental Forum on Agriculture at Windsor hotel, to deliberate on ways of improving food security through major reforms in the agricultural sector. The forum which brought together, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Ministry of Mining, Maritime and Blue Economy, Council of Governors, Development Partners and…

The CS held talks with the United States African Development Foundation (USADF), Director of Program Operations for Africa Timothy Nzioka.

The CS held talks with the United States African Development Foundation (USADF), Director of Program Operations for Africa Timothy Nzioka. The Foundation is a key partner in the improvement of the agricultural sector for the benefit of local farmers. CS Mithika Linturi has received the Agricultural Finance Corporation Board of Directors led by Chairman Eng.…

Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi today hosted a delegation from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) led by Country Director Ms Lauren Landis at Kilimo House.

Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi today hosted a delegation from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) led by Country Director Ms Lauren Landis at Kilimo House. WFP is a valuable partner to the Kenyan Government and the ministry will continue working closely with the humanitarian organization for the benefit of Kenyans especially in the Arid…

PS Livestock Development Harry Kimtai has presided over the closing ceremony of the 2022 STAK Annual Congress, Expo and Mazao Forum this afternoon, at KALRO headquarters.

PS Livestock Development Harry Kimtai has presided over the closing ceremony of the 2022 STAK Annual Congress, Expo and Mazao Forum this afternoon, at KALRO headquarters. The annual event which was organized by the Seed Trade Association (STAK), brought together various stakeholders including: seed companies, agro-input dealers and machinery suppliers, who showcased technologies and shared…