Today, Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya has opened the first #G25CoffeeSummit at a Nairobi Hotel on behalf on H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Today, Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya has opened the first #G25CoffeeSummit at a Nairobi Hotel on behalf on H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta. The Summit has brought together over 25 coffee producing African countries. Inter- African Coffee Organisation (IACO) State members, officially signed the Nairobi Declaration to have coffee anchored as a strategic commodity under the…

CS Hon Peter Munya has launched the Potato Taskforce to fast-track progress in the potato value chain and safeguard farmers’ livelihoods amidst a complex trade environment.

CS Hon Peter Munya has launched the Potato Taskforce to fast-track progress in the potato value chain and safeguard farmers’ livelihoods amidst a complex trade environment. In Kenya, potato is the second most important staple crop after maize. Despite its importance and high demand in the domestic market, CS Munya has noted that yields have…

Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya today commissioned Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation Gatitu Tea Factory

Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya today commissioned Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation Gatitu Tea Factory. He was flanked by the PS Crops Development and Agricultural Research Dr. Francis Owino. The factory is one of the major Vision 2030 and Big-4 agenda projects delivered during the Jubilee Administration. The CS noted that the corporation has played…

Over 10,000 households are now beneficiaries of Ntui Primary School Community Borehole in Igembe Central, Commissioned by Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya.

Over 10,000 households are now beneficiaries of Ntui Primary School Community Borehole in Igembe Central, Commissioned by Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya. Addressing Ntui residents, CS Munya said that the Borehole, which has been funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, is boosting Food and Nutrition Security in the area, as farmers no longer rely on…

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives led by CS Peter Munya, has this morning mourned the death of the 3rd Kenyan President H.E Mwai Kibaki.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives led by CS Peter Munya, has this morning mourned the death of the 3rd Kenyan President H.E Mwai Kibaki. During the signing of the condolence book at Kilimo House, the staff described the late H.E Kibaki as one of the greatest Presidents the country ever had.  …