The Government continues to promote industrial parks, in order to stimulate the local economy and trigger job creation

The Government continues to promote industrial parks, in order to stimulate the local economy and trigger job creation and Micro, Small and Medium Entreprise (MSME) growth. Today Hon Peter Munya, CS Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives inspected the KSh 2.2 billion Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) , 2 warehouses for tanneries worth 695 million and…

CS Agriculture Hon Peter Munya, has flagged off KNTC trucks collecting the 2021 milled rice crop in Kirinyaga County.

The Government through Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC) has procured rice worth 765 Million from Kirinyaga County. This morning, CS Agriculture Hon Peter Munya, has flagged off KNTC trucks collecting the 2021 milled rice crop, worth 765 million from Mwea Rice Growers Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd (MGRM). This is following the Presidential directive on the 14th…

This morning, Hon Peter Munya, has handed over 10 vehicles and 51,940 fruit seedlings to SIVAP counties.

This morning, Hon Peter Munya, CS Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, has handed over 10 vehicles and 51,940 fruit seedlings to Small-Scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project (SIVAP) counties. This initiative aims at supporting project counties in follow ups and management. SIVAP, is funded by Africa Development Bank (AfDB), the Global Agriculture and Food Security…

Agriculture CS Hon. Peter Munya has directed the SACCOs Fraud Investigations Unit, to fast-track criminal investigations

Agriculture CS Hon. Peter Munya has directed the SACCOs Fraud Investigations Unit, to fast-track criminal investigations relating to fraud embezzlement and other criminal conducts within the SACCO subsector, recommending criminal prosecutions where criminal culpability is proved. CS Munya was speaking at Safari Park Hotel, where he issued authorization certificates to 25 Non- Withdrawable Deposit taking…