Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya launches the Dairy Industry Regulations aimed at enhancing consumer protection

The government recognizes that proper regulatory and policy framework are critical for growth and development of dairy sector. However, the sector has continued to face many challenges which has informed the development and review of the dairy regulations. In this regard, Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya this afternoon launched the Dairy Industry Regulations, 2021, which…

The Chief Administrative Secretary for Livestock and Fisheries Lawrence Angolo Omuhaka accompanied by Livestock Principal Secretary Harry Kimtai today officiated the 2021 graduation ceremony at the Dairy Training Institute at Naivasha

The Chief Administrative Secretary for Livestock and Fisheries Lawrence Angolo Omuhaka accompanied by Livestock Principal Secretary Harry Kimtai today officiated the 2021 graduation ceremony at the Dairy Training Institute at Naivasha . The 2021 graduation comprised of three groups of students who qualified and awarded certificates in Dairy Production and Management , Dairy Technology and…

This morning, CAS Anne Nyaga officiated the opening of the Annual delegates meeting for Kenya Police Sacco

This morning, CAS Anne Nyaga officiated the opening of the Annual delegates meeting for Kenya Police Sacco. She reaffirmed to the delegates of the Government’s focus on the implementation of its key strategic priorities through the ministry. CAS Nyaga informed the members that to improve policy and legal framework for the co-operatives, a task force…