Agriculture and Livestock Development CS Hon Mithika Linturi leads the Kenya Vision 2030 4th Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) dissemination Baraza in Isiolo and Meru Counties.

As part of the all government effort to engage with the public and disseminate the Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) for 2023-27, CS Mithika Linturi alongside the Principal Secretary for Petroleum Mohammed Liban and the Isiolo Deputy Governor, Dr. James Lowasa, have took this initiative to Isiolo earlier in the day. The CS highlighted…

CS Mithika Linturi presides over a Governors’ consultative workshop on the Agri-Preneurs Extension Model at Villa Rosa Kempinski Hotel, Nairobi

Agriculture and Livestock CS Hon Mithika Linturi  Agriculture and Livestock CS Hon Mithika Linturi today presided over a Governors’ consultative workshop on the Agri-Preneurs Extension Model at Villa Rosa Kempinski Hotel, Nairobi. The forum organised by Emergency Locust Response Project (ERLP), National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP) and Food Systems Resilience Project (FSRP), provided…